
Azért csináltam meg ezt az oldalt , hogy megtudjátok nézni a dalszövegeimet^^

Ez pedig a Jövő című dalom angol fordítása:D

                                                     The future…                                                         

·        The future harbours something else always. I just to be disappointed you are in the other one to be glad about the friends. I already am not surprised if something hurts you are just I smile.but why so the future?

·        The future harbours something else always.( else always)( else always) I do not write the future ! Oh I wait for it that let me get out of the darkness . How could I get out of the darkness?( the darkness) ( the darkness) My smile is missing..(smile)(smile)


The future harbours something else always.( else always)( else always) I do not write the future ! Oh I wait for it that let me get out of the darkness . How could I get out of the darkness?( the darkness) ( the darkness) My smile is missing..(smile)(smile)

I do not write the future ! Oh if only I could write it . But I am not fortune-telling that let me modify the riddle then . I remember the first smiling and I remember the first pain . Different feelings. Oh I wait for it that let me find the light .


2x    :  The future harbours something else always.( else always)( else always) I do not write the future ! Oh I wait for it that let me get out of the darkness . How could I get out of the darkness?( the darkness) ( the darkness) My smile is missing..(smile)(smile)


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